Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society

The International Society of Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy

Monday, 13th January 2025

From the Editors in Chief: Notice of Handover of Head and Neck Oncology

From the Editors in Chief: Notice of Handover of Head and Neck Oncology                        08//08/2012
Dear Biomed Central
We write to serve notice that from today, as per article 9 of our contract with the Publisher, that since Biomed Central has ceased publication of the journal that we shall assume all of its rights in title of the Journal without charge or expenses to enable us, the Editors-in-Chief to continue the Journal either independently or in cooperation with another publisher.

The rights of the publisher are only to cease publication and do not cover closure of the journal, the publisher’s statement on the home page of the website is thus in breach of the publisher’s contract and should be removed.

Kind Regards

The Editors-in-Chief
Head & Neck Oncology



Jerjes W, Hopper C. Head and Neck Oncology - the sixth year (part1): Editorial. Head Neck Oncol 2014 Apr 26;6(1):1. (Download PDF)

Jerjes W. Evidence-based analysis: The rise and fall of Head and Neck Oncology I: the audit and subsequent investigations. Head Neck Oncol 2014 Aug 05;6(4):33. (Download PDF)