Sunday, 9th February 2025
Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society

The International Society of Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy


The Society actively encourages new members. The HNODIS Council has decided to waive any membership fees.

Membership categories include: (1) Senior Fellows, (2) Fellows-in-Training, (3) Junior Fellows, (4) Honorary Fellows and (5) Fellowship in Optical Diagnostics and Interventions.


What will we actually offer members?

A pool of expertise, with contact details of like minded individuals and the opportunity to frame prospective studies and industrial collaboration. The aim here is to form multiple lobby groups/research consortia in the various fields of optical diagnostics and therapy which will aim to improve the early diagnosis and treatment of patients, facilitate the education of healthcare professionals and the general public, promote and encourage the study and practice of optical diagnostics techniques in head and neck treatment, promote and encourage the study and practice of minimally invasive surgery in the head and neck.

The Society will also aim to promote and encourage the study and practice of other imaging modalities in the head and neck. It will also facilitate communications between clinicians, scientists, physicists, engineers, technicians, radiologists and pathologists, particularly those with interest in the pathology of the head and neck. We aim to build close relations with laser, optical and surgical associations, societies, research groups, industry and patient-related organisations.

The Society will conduct educational courses or workshops for the application of optical diagnostics and minimally invasive surgery in the head & neck. The Society will conduct scientific meetings which will aim to report the advances in the field.

Members will receive information from the Society in various forms but mainly via electronic mail. This will include an annual HNODS newsletter. Members can also keep up to date with the activities of the Society by logging onto the website

The Society aims to offer a number of prizes and research grants depending on its financial state. The “Chairman Prize” and "HNODS Prize" usually require the recommendation of your peers. However, members can apply for the "Fellow-in-Training Prize" or "Student Bursary" depending on the membership category. Also two research grants will be given annually.

Please spread the word, we offer membership to anyone who has interest in the field of optical diagnostics and interventions. We hope that members will be able to make full use of the Society and find their membership beneficial both academically and socially. We have also developed a "feedback service" and welcome any suggestions from our members to improve and develop the Society.