Monday, 13th January 2025
Head and Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society

The International Society of Minimally Invasive Diagnostics and Therapy


Welcome to the Head & Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society - HNODIS.

The main aim of the society is to encourage the collaboration between clinicians and scientists for the benefits of patients. We have focused on the head and neck because of the particular challenges posed by disease at this site. While many of the techniques we use are applicable to other anatomical sites, we feel that the head and neck merits special attention rather than just being subsumed into larger more general forums. That is not to say we will work in isolation but rather we will interact with other specialist organisations where appropriate.

We are mindful of the large number of meetings, societies and journals, but feel that the head and neck is something of a Cinderella speciality, with little diagnostic or therapeutic innovation and that now is the time to take advantage of the many technological advances that will have a major impact on the way we diagnose and manage head and neck diseases.

Finally, we aim to encourage international collaboration. The Society will provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experience and also help develop networks that will be able to attract major funding from grant giving bodies.

C. Betz



HNODIS is an organisation which was developed and launched in 2008. Its mission is to promote and encourage the study and practice of optical diagnostics and intervention techniques in the head and neck. HNODIS along with its council assists clinicians, scientists and other academics understand and achieve the best practices in optical diagnostics and interventions. This includes the use of technologies like: elastic scattering spectroscopy (ESS), differential path-length spectroscopy (DPS), near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, confocal reflectance microscopy (CRM), fluorescence imaging, microendoscopy, optical coherence tomography (OCT), lasers, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and photochemical internalization (PCI). An organisation that paves the way for a better research and clinical environment is a necessity in present times. HNODIS is such an organisation; it has formed around its own online community of clinicians and scientists of many reputable institutes from all around the world. It is an organisation which collects information and distributes the knowledge.

The HNODIS Council is the Head & Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society’ governing body. Members of the Council are the trustees of the organisation and ensure the ethical conduct of its functions. The main responsibilities of the HNODIS Council are to manage the affairs of HNODIS, to keep track of all the national and global issues that are directly or indirectly affecting the organisation and the fields of optical diagnostics and interventions in head and neck. It provides the HNODIS direction by reviewing the strategic plans and allocating resources necessary in order for the organisation to function properly. In addition, the HNODIS Council oversees the entire organisation’s activity and ensures that both the organisation and its fellows meet their statutory obligations.

The Head & Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society is a not-for-profit organisation. All the services it provides are free of charge and will remain so. HNODIS values its independence above all other considerations and is currently funded solely by its Council Members each of whom are required to declare any conflicts of interest to the Chairman of the Council. Fellows will not take part in any activity nor will any funds be accepted where such a conflict is identified. HNODIS may seek financial assistance from other sources to help fund its activities and support its work. We will aim however to seek funding from charitable foundations. We will also accept funding from other organisations or individuals provided that all competing interests and conflicts of interests are declared. Funds will be accepted only on an unrestricted basis, meaning that HNODIS alone determines how those funds will be used.

This website is operated by the Head & Neck Optical Diagnostics and Intervention Society (HNODIS), a registered charity under UCLH Charity, London, United Kingdom.


HNODS is essentially an educational society.
HNODS is a registered charity under UCLH Charity, London.
The holders of Fellowship in Optical Diagnostics and Interventions are entitled to use post-nominal letters "FODI".